#NoEnv SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ;============================= Pwb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") Pwb.Visible := True Return ;============================= !z:: ;============== IfNotExist, AmazonCodes.txt Return FileRead, e, EnteredCodes.txt FileRead, c, AmazonCodes.txt StringReplace, c, c, `r`n, ^, All StringSplit, ca, c, ^ Loop, %ca0% { d := ca%A_Index% StringSplit, da, d, | Code := da1 If A_Index = 1 Msgbox, %Code% IfInString, e, %Code% Continue Pwb.Document.getElementsByName("claimCode")[0].value := Code Pwb.Document.getElementsByName("applytoaccount")[0].click() IELoad(Pwb) Sleep, 1000 filedelete, html.txt html := Pwb.Document.DocumentElement.innerHTML fileappend, %html%, html.txt IfNotInString, html, gift card has been applied to your account { Msgbox, 64, Amazon Enterer, Failed to enter the code... Pwb.Navigate("") IELoad(Pwb) Continue } FileAppend, %Code%`r`n, EnteredCodes.txt Pwb.Navigate("") IELoad(Pwb) Sleep, 1000 } Return ;============================= IELoad(Pwb) ;You need to send the IE handle to the function unless you define it as global. { If !Pwb ;If Pwb is not a valid pointer then quit Return False Loop ;Otherwise sleep for .1 seconds untill the page starts loading Sleep,100 Until (Pwb.busy) Loop ;Once it starts loading wait until completes Sleep,100 Until (!Pwb.busy) Loop ;optional check to wait for the page to completely load Sleep,100 Until (Pwb.Document.Readystate = "Complete") Return True }
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