AutoBot V3! [Create Your Own Bots] ~ Better than ever!
From the old topic (all stuff is V2 related I will update the tutorial later)
Some new stuff:
- more text boxes
- Updated the submit buttons code
- Can now use multiple stuff (e.g gmail dot trick)
YouTube - AutoBot V2 - Create Your Own Bots - Now With Save & Load Functions.
YouTube - AutoBot V2 - Create Your Own Bots - Now With Save & Load Functions.
Autobot V2 with save & load functions.
May I introduce the AutoBot for you.
AutoBot is made for everyone, so they can create their own, unique bots for spam samples, and so on! The bot is in beta stage so there may be some changes coming ahead.
AutoBot V2 has about 1200 lines of code.
Download link (if the attachment doesnt work):
Mod Edit: Link broken and removed, please use attachment. -Sean
Future features:
Able to choose how many requests you want it to make
How does the save and load functions work?
The bot will automatically create a folder (you can choose the name for it). It will then create 23 .txt files. In the load function, the bot will read directly from these text files so it should load the saved IDs from them very fast.
I also made the bot to add textboxes etc. needed automatically, depending on how many the saved script needs them.
Note: The folder must be in the same folder as the bot is located. I uploaded an example of a script (Nofear.Rar). Unrar it to the same folder as the AutoBot is located in your computer.
- How to use it?
It is very, very simple to use it, after you know what the things do.
At start open an website where you want lets say order massive amounts of samples. Ill use the following site as example: No Fear | Promotions
Ok lets say we want to fill all things, not only the ones that you have to.
So... open AutoBot, and press Add 8 times. (This will add 16boxes, which handle 8 boxes as there are in the website).
Now open the page source (CTRL + U in FireFox) and go to the part where is the boxes.
I will only show how to get the first one, and after that ill just post the others down here. For getting the ID/name for first name section in this website, search this part:
Some new stuff:
- more text boxes
- Updated the submit buttons code
- Can now use multiple stuff (e.g gmail dot trick)
YouTube - AutoBot V2 - Create Your Own Bots - Now With Save & Load Functions.
YouTube - AutoBot V2 - Create Your Own Bots - Now With Save & Load Functions.
Autobot V2 with save & load functions.
May I introduce the AutoBot for you.
AutoBot is made for everyone, so they can create their own, unique bots for spam samples, and so on! The bot is in beta stage so there may be some changes coming ahead.
AutoBot V2 has about 1200 lines of code.
Download link (if the attachment doesnt work):
Mod Edit: Link broken and removed, please use attachment. -Sean
Future features:
Able to choose how many requests you want it to make
How does the save and load functions work?
The bot will automatically create a folder (you can choose the name for it). It will then create 23 .txt files. In the load function, the bot will read directly from these text files so it should load the saved IDs from them very fast.
I also made the bot to add textboxes etc. needed automatically, depending on how many the saved script needs them.
Note: The folder must be in the same folder as the bot is located. I uploaded an example of a script (Nofear.Rar). Unrar it to the same folder as the AutoBot is located in your computer.
- How to use it?
It is very, very simple to use it, after you know what the things do.
At start open an website where you want lets say order massive amounts of samples. Ill use the following site as example: No Fear | Promotions
Ok lets say we want to fill all things, not only the ones that you have to.
So... open AutoBot, and press Add 8 times. (This will add 16boxes, which handle 8 boxes as there are in the website).
Now open the page source (CTRL + U in FireFox) and go to the part where is the boxes.
I will only show how to get the first one, and after that ill just post the others down here. For getting the ID/name for first name section in this website, search this part:
<tr> <td class="formlabel">*First Name:</td> <td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="firstname" maxlength="25"/></td> </tr>
We need that thing after the name. So this one is firstname
Type/copy it to the first ID box and do this to other boxes too (search the other things like last names).
These are the names for this website:
Now fill the Value boxes as you like.
After you've done it, press "Other" and press "Options e.g bday" do this 4times.
Now we have to find the birthdays (3boxes) and 1 box for the shirt size. Open the source again and search the month section. The ID is
<SELECT name='[B][U]month[/U][/B]'>
<option value='01'>January</OPTION> <option value='02'>February</OPTION> <option value='03'>March</OPTION> <option value='04'>April</OPTION> <option value='05'>May</OPTION> <option value='06'>June</OPTION> <option value='07'>July</OPTION> <option value='08'>August</OPTION> <option value='09'>September</OPTION> <option value='10'>October</OPTION> <option value='11'>November</OPTION> <option value='12'>December</OPTION>
Do this same for the other ones (day, year, shirt size).
Now lets say you want to check some checkboxes. Press "Other" and from there "Checkboxes or radiobuttons".
Now press it as many times as you are going to check those checkboxes. If you are going to check 2, press it twice.
As they ask your interests, open the source and find this part:
<td> Music <input type="checkbox" name="field_array[49102]" value="X"/> </td> <td>
The ID is again after the name=, so this time it is field_array[49102] (if you want to check the music checkbox.
Do this again as many times as you want to check those boxes.
Now the last part, getting the URLS, and submit buttons name.
Press File, there Settings, and there Submit button. After that File->Settings->Click both of them.
For getting the submit button ID, search this from the website
<div style="position:absolute;top:350px"><input type="image" id="submit" src=""/></div>
For getting the URLs, its very simple, for the Information url box, type the url your on right now (the one where you fill the boxes). The thankyou url is the one after youve submitted your info. So submit these once by hand and copy the url then.
Now you've created your first bot with AutoBot. Download File
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